Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Furry Head Band Named Stupid

I have two dogs, Louie is the more favored and more loved of the two and then there is our other family dog, Stupid. Before you pick up the phone to call PETA, calm down. Orginally the mut's name was Colby Jack, my mom has a thing for cheese? Anyways, he never answered to the name and after a short time of having the dog my mom decided she didn't like him and began calling him stupid. Stupid is the only name the dog will answer too. He has earned the title too. Currently, I'm in Alabama after a series of events and a car accident that put my brother in the ICU. God knows when I need a laugh. I get a call from my sister and she is saying stupid needs to go to the vet. Naturally, I ask why and she tells me the story of the furry headband. Stupid was left unattended at the house. He decided to do his business in my sister karlies room, where he pooped on one of her very cute and very spikey headbands. The head band is now stuck to stupid, the kids have tried to pull it lose but stupid is kind of on the agressive side so enough said. Stupid has had to go all weekend with having this glorious head band attached to his behind. Julia said he walks kinda sideways and has to sleep on his side. All of this is quite amusing. I will let you know if the vet has any luck. I think might make a good children's story....maybe not. There you have it kids, the story about The Furry Head Band Named Stupid!

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